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Orgatex Türkiye

Code: 11217400-39 WEICON Citrus-Cleanser is a universal cleanser based on alcohol and citrus peel extracts. Due to its high alcohol content (above 75%), WEICON Citrus-cleaner has a partial disinfectant effect and thus supports the general cleaning and disinfection of surfaces. As a multi-purpose cleaning agent, it can be used in various industries and crafts, public institutions and transportation vehicles, workplaces and households. Cleans a wide variety of materials such as metals, plastics, glass, ceramics and painted or coated surfaces*. WEICON Citrus-Cleaner also provides excellent results in supporting basic hygiene and additional hygiene practices, cleaning frequently used hand tools, as well as removing pencil, ballpoint pen and felt-tip pen stains.* For safety reasons, material compatibility should be checked in a previously invisible area.

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