Çevik ve Çok Fonksiyonlu

Her zaman hızlı ve verimli bir lojistik akışına güvenmelisiniz. İçki arabaları, çamaşır arabaları ve diğer tekerlekli ekipmanlar anlaşıldığı gibi ve beklediğiniz şekilde doğru yerde olmalıdır. Akıllı elektrikli çekicilerimiz, personelinizin bunu başarmasına yardımcı olur. Personelinizin fiziksel zorlanmadan birkaç arabayı aynı anda taşımasını mümkün kılarız.

Logistik süreçlerinizi geliştirin

Akıllı elektrikli çekiciler, otellerde, etkinliklerde, eğlence ve tatil parklarında kullanılan manevra kabiliyeti yüksek ve çok yönlü araçlardır. Personel, bagaj ve ekipman taşımak için kullanılırlar.
Battery Tractor movexx TT1000-T-Basic

Battery Tractor movexx TT1000-T-Basic

It easily pulls trolleys weighing up to 1000 kg.

Battery Tractor movexx TT1000-T

Battery Tractor movexx TT1000-T

With years of experience and equipment, the TT1000-T has been developed both design and technically.

Battery Tractor movexx TT1000-S

Battery Tractor movexx TT1000-S

The TT1000-S provides power balance and traction perfection on three wheels.

Battery Tractor TT1000-L

Battery Tractor TT1000-L

With a lifting power of 1000 kg, the TT1000-L can lift the car at the same time.

Battery Tractor T1000-RZ

Battery Tractor T1000-RZ

Its sensors automatically reduce its speed to ensure a secure and sensitive connection.

Battery Tractor TT1500-T

Battery Tractor TT1500-T

It is a battery tractor that can easily move cargo vehicles weighing 1500 kg.

Cordless Tractor TT1500-S

Cordless Tractor TT1500-S

The TT1500-S provides power balance and traction perfection on three wheels.

Battery Tractor T1500-RZS

Battery Tractor T1500-RZS

Creates effective stability for moving 4-wheel trolleys

Battery Tractor TT2500-S

Battery Tractor TT2500-S

TT2500-S Cordless Tractor also has a pushing feature. This feature makes it easier to push the truck instead of pulling it.

Battery Tractor TT2500-L

Battery Tractor TT2500-L

No license is required to operate the TT2500-L, so anyone can use the TT2500-L with ease. It has a lifting power of 1500 kg and a carrying capacity of 2500 kg. With a lifting power of 1000 kg, the TT2500-L can also tow the trolley.

Battery Tractor TT3500-S

Battery Tractor TT3500-S

TT3500-S Battery Tow Truck also has a pushing feature. It can easily move and pull 3500 kg hooked trolleys.

Battery Tractor TT6000-S

Battery Tractor TT6000-S

Heavy loads tend to spin or become uncontrollable. We paid great attention to this when designing the TT6000-S. Thanks to the unique design of the TT6000-S, the load can be controlled at any time.

Battery Tractor TT500-S-HH

Battery Tractor TT500-S-HH

Thanks to its compact design, the TT500-S-HH can easily maneuver in small halls, corridors and elevators.