Powerful planter TT1000-S, with its ouml mass and ouml special design, it provides perfect squatting..This is perfect design < font>< font> TT1000-S allows hooks to be easily fixed on the battery planter.< font>< font> TT1000-S, thanks to its own weight, k cars have the maximum production capacity of i ccedil. nbsp < font>TT1000-S always provides balance of power on the three wheels, and CCED can be used for a multitude of different applications. nbsp < font>< font>TT1000-S, a more powerful version of rsquo nbsp Movexx T1500-D nbsp is available nbsp < font>< font>< p>
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Towable Battery TractorWith years of experience and equipment, the TT1000-T has been developed both design and technically.
It is specifically designed to work in cleaning environments.
The TT1000-T-Inox easily moves and tows trolleys weighing up to 1000 kg.
The TT1000-S provides power balance and traction perfection on three wheels.
It easily pulls trolleys weighing up to 1000 kg.
It creates a new pivot point as the skids on the product slide under the trolley and slightly raise its side.
In case of a sudden stop, the red button on the machine allows the machine to brake immediately and then move forward a little to protect you.